The biggest Comic news stories of the week.
This week: Batman crossovers, cancelled New 52 titles, Avengers vs X-Men teasers and more!
DC Reveals Bat-Crossover
Have you been enjoying the Court of Owls story going on in Batman at the moment? Then your in luck because the owls aren't going anywhere. This event will focus on the owls and the extent of their attack on the Wayne/Bat family.
Scott Snyder will start his crossover with back-up stories at the end of Batman and Detective comics - starting in Batman #8. Unfortunately, this means the cost of Batman comics is going up from $2.99, to $3.99 - This does not bode well with our cut-backs!!
The back-ups will look into the past of the Court of Owls, in preparation for the big event that will span: Batman and Robin, Batman: The Dark Knight, Catwoman, Batwing, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Nightwing, All-Star Western, Batgirl, and Birds of Prey.
Now that is an event. Although, (thankfully) Snyder also said that you don't have to buy all those books to understand the cross-over. The stories are designed to be self-contained.
We'll give you our thoughts on this cross-over, when it starts in a few months time.
Captain America and Bucky gets Replaced!
The series will now continue in Avenging Spider-Man style. By that I mean it will keep Captain America in the title role, but add a different Marvel guest star each month. This new take on the series starts with #629, when Captain America & Hawkeye begins.
Writer, Cullen Bunn revealed that in the story Cap and Hawkeye go out to fight a bunch of dinosaurs - so I'm guessing it'll be something in the Savage Land.
He also revealed that Cap & Iron Man, and Cap & Black Widow will be the next team-ups after Hawkeye.
What are your thoughts on this new take on the series?
Six New 52 Titles Get Cancelled, Six New Titles on the Way!
This week DC announced their second wave of The New 52. The second wave consists of 6 titles, meaning to keep the New 52 title relevant, six of the current titles have to end.
Batman Incorporated: The New 52 follow-up to Batman Inc: Leviathan Strikes.
World's Finest: Huntress and Power Girl (from Earth-2) are stranded on our world - this series follows them on their way back to Earth-2!
G.I Combat: The new G.I. Combat ongoing will feature The War That Time Forgot, an action-adventure story by writer J.T. Krul and artist Ariel Olivetti. The series will also feature a rotating slate of back-up stories that includes The Unknown Soldier by Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti and Dan Panosian, and The Haunted Tank by John Arcudi and Scott Kolins.
The Ravagers: Spinning off from Teen Titans and Superboy, this series finds four superpowered teens on the run and fighting against the organization that wants to turn them into supervillains.
Marvel Has A Cross-Over Too!
To stop the whole situation getting out of hand, Reed Richards (creator of the disk) sends Spidey off to get the disk back!
The three part story starts in Avenging Spider-Man #6, continues in Daredevil #11, and ends in The Punisher #10.
The Avengers vs. X-Men Teasers
Marvel have been releasing loads of AvX match-ups this week. We've collected them all in a single post (because we're very nice). You can see them by clicking here!
And those are the biggest comic stories of the week! Come back next week for more!
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