The Avenging Spider-Man is a new ongoing series from Marvel. It will see Spidey fighting bad guys with help from various different faces from the Marvel U - It's been described as a modern-day Marvel Team-Up series.
This is a story that has great potential to turn into something great, but right now seems a little weak. Especially when compared to the great stories going on in other Marvel comics right now (e.g. Punisher, Daredevil etc.).
The writing is a bit better though, capturing Spider-Man's witty remarks quite well with some comments that made me smile throughout.
The real highlight of this book is the art which is absolutely fantastic! I can't tell you how much I love the art here. It's detailed, stylish and makes the book a complete joy to look at. Hats off to Joe Madureira who single-handedly saves this book from mediocrity.
Basically, Avenging Spider-Man is a little disappointing. It's got a very bare-bones story, that could develop into a better one, but right now fails to get me excited. Thankfully, it's saved by a great script, and some truly beautiful art that should be framed and applauded.

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