I might as well get this out the way now. The Avengers is awesome. From start to finish it's everything I dreamt it would be. I suppose this review could be a bit biased seeming as I'm a bit of a Marvel geek, but even if your just a casual action film fan, you need to see this movie.

Where to start? Usually I start with the story, but the one in this film has been kept so secret for so long that I'd feel like a monster exposing it. All I'll say is that the Cosmic Cube (Also known as the Tesseract) has fallen into the safe hands of SHIELD, who are using it for an unspecified purpose. Then Loki pops up and the shit hits the fan. To put it in the least detailed way possible, Loki wants the cube, Loki wants Earth, Loki has a plan and an army - and the army isn't the frost giants or anything from the nine realms.
While this story delivers laughs, action and more - it's pretty basic. You can't help but think that Loki's plan isn't that well thought through. I guess the story couldn't have been too complicated as this film has to be mainly about the Avengers forming together. But still, it's something that should be fixed in the sequel.
On the plus side, this is the funniest super hero movie I've seen in a while - with some great one-liners that made the whole cinema burst into laughter. Not to mention some hilarious Hulk moments that have to be seen to be believed.
And it's not just jokes the writer's get spot on. The way each character is written is just perfect and their meeting and interactions go exactly as they should. No fan should be disappointed.
Another way this movie triumphs is that the Avengers aren't a team for the sake of it. Through the film and particularly during the glorious final battle, each member of the team is essential, and each character has a few awesome moments each.
And of course, these jokes and action scenes wouldn't be half as good if not for the fantastic ensemble cast of Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, and Jeremy Renner. Not to mention a certain Samuel L. Jackson, who's role in this film is much more substantial than in previous Marvel movies, giving us a great look into what goes on at SHIELD. But the entire cast has great chemistry throughout and the film just wouldn't be the same without them.
I honestly don't know how much clearer I can put it. The Avengers is just a fantastic movie that comic and action fans alike will love. It's got a fantastic cast, great writing, a hugely entertaining story, as well as some truly awesome action sequences. Mix in some hilarious jokes, and the novelty of seeing all these character's interact in one movie and you've got 100% pure amazing. A must-see for anyone.
Oh, and by the way, stay after the credits.

Saying absolutely everything is super-awesome isn't much of a review.
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